Saturday, February 16, 2013

'Designer Vagina' the movie!

A week or so ago I wrote a blog here about a comedy short I was in called Designer Vagina, written & directed by Lucy Dwyer (Dobson). Now it's up on the YouTube so I thought I'd share it here also.  We're always told, in this profession, to get out there and do our own stuff so I get excited when people really do go and do that. It's not always easy and there's a great deal of promising and negotiating along the way. It's amazing that anything gets made at all really. But Lucy (not me) knew what she was doing. There were coffee and muffins on arrival...genius. So here it is. Don't worry, there are no know whats...on display. We're all talk. And popcorn. 

1 comment:

  1. I want one now. Very convincing, non scripted comment you gave. ;)
