Monday, June 25, 2012

The Gay Stage: The Great LGBT Lingo Limbo

This is my most recent article on The Gay Stage's website. It's about how our choice of vocabulary can have both creative and destructive effects on LGBT identity and its ability to create a dialogue or relationship with mainstream society. I hope you find it an interesting read.

Friday, June 8, 2012

Tutoring - Today children I'll be teaching the reproductive system

Yes I admit it. My blog  -whilst a little all over the place- is supposed to have a central theme of living and working as a creativey style sort of person in London but I do seem to be updating quite a lot of transcripts from my sessions as a tutor. The only thing I can say is that, whilst trying to get a leg up in this business, one has to do certain jobs and this is one of them. There is no doubt in my mind that this is one that will add spice and ideas to my career in the future. So without further ado: 

Lucy: What does the reproductive system do? 
Lucy: That's not the scientific term but sure. What is involved in the reproductive process? 
Child: Eggs and sperm. 
Lucy: And where do the eggs come from? 
Child: The lady. 
Lucy: And where in the lady are they stored? 
Child: In the VAGINA! 
Lucy: Nope. 
Child: In her diaphragm? 
Lucy: What!? No! 
Child: Where then? 
Lucy: What's on either side of her...uh...near the vagina but...
Child: Uh....
Lucy: Ovaries! 
Child: Oh! 
Lucy: Okay. Moving on. Where does the man store his sperm? 
Child: (heartbreakingly proudly) In his ovaries! 

Friday, June 1, 2012

The Gay Stage - Article 5 (at the Dublin Gay Theatre Festival)


Thanks to those of you following my little jaunts to the LGBT theatre festivals of Brighton and Dublin. I finally got the chance to sit down in Brighton and write a little about what the show is about. Please do keep reading and following our journey. There's lots more to come on both the Rachael saga and my experiences at the festivals.

Love ain't abstract

Another little report from my tutoring sessions with a kid who always manages to put a smile on my face:

Lucy: An abstract noun is one that you can't touch. Like 'jealousy'.
Child: But if I'm jealous of this pen I can touch it. I'm touching the thing I'm jealous of.
Lucy: You're not touching the jealousy.
Child: Lucy, is 'love' an abstract noun?
Lucy: I guess so yes.
Child: No. 
Lucy: What? 
Child: You can touch love if you kiss the person you love.