Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Announcing STAND UP & SLAM! in London

So, I'm pretty excited to be announcing the launch of a show I've been developing with Dan Simpson (Canterbury Poet Laureate). We'd noticed that the audiences for, and preconceptions about, performance poetry and comedy were massively different despite the fact the two spoken word art forms have loads of similarities and have actually been successfully combined in the case of some higher profile performers such as Tim Key and Phill Jupitus. 

So we decided to bring the two art forms together is a fun, creative way and STAND UP & SLAM! was born! Featuring our two captains - Paul Sweeney (Comedy Captain) and Dan Simpson (Poetry Captain) - it's a hilarious, ridiculous verbal battle to the (sort of) death. The winners? Whoever the audience choose on the night. 

We've been running gigs since December 2012 to workshop the show and we're now excited to announce our first full season at the Comedy Cafe, Rivington Street, London from September 17th 2013. More info re: line ups and more to come!